Menopause sleep

Sleep should be a time for rest and recovery but can be life-limiting when it is disrupted by menopause sleep difficulties. We understand the fear and anxiety of lying in bed, waiting and wishing for sleep to come, or waking repeatedly during the night. You are not alone.


Insomnia is when you have trouble sleeping at least three times a week for a minimum of three months, resulting in difficulty functioning throughout the day. 

While you may not have clinically diagnosed insomnia, menopause sleep difficulties can severely affect your functioning during the day and at work. Difficulties getting to sleep and staying asleep are common during menopause.

Sleep quality is essential and deep sleep helps you feel rested and positively impacts your mental health and performance. Everyone needs different amounts of sleep, but an average adult requires approximately 6-8 hours.

Discover your personalized treatment options


  • Nearly half have menopause sleep issues
  • Those aged 60+ are at a greater risk of sleep disruption
  • Perimenopause sleep problems can begin when your hormone levels start to change

Feeling tired can lead to other menopause symptoms such as anxiety, depression, brain fog and weight gain.

Read more about the stages of menopause.


Can’t fall asleep within 30 minutes of going to bed

Get fewer than six hours of sleep

Wake several times a night or lie awake for hours

Wake too early

Feel exhausted during the day and find it hard to concentrate


Did you know that changing your lifestyle and avoiding certain things can help you manage symptoms?

1. Sleep hygiene. Go to bed and wake at regular times and avoid sleeping in.

2. Avoid stimulants. Watch what you eat and drink as they can interrupt your sleep. Reduce caffeine and nicotine, smoking or vaping, and avoid alcohol, which makes you dehydrated and increases the need to pee at night.

3. Don’t eat late. Your body will find it harder to rest if you eat a big meal close to bedtime.

4. Don’t exercise before bed. Try a relaxing wind-down routine in the few hours before bedtime.

5. Reduce screen time. Keep off your cell phone and laptop an hour before bedtime. Keep your phone out of your room if you are tempted to scroll when you wake up in the middle of the night.

Can hormone therapy (HT) help?

Yes. HT is known to improve sleep, mood and hot flashes during menopause. However, HT comes with risks and is not suitable for everyone. Read more about HT risks and benefits.

It might be that your healthcare provider recommends another medicine specifically used for insomnia. Speak to your healthcare provider about your personal treatment options.

Which menopause sleep aids you can try

Natural remedies

Great care needs to be taken when considering natural remedies for menopausal sleep problems. Firstly, research studies on herbal supplements are usually small with limited reliable evidence. This makes it hard for clinicians to determine whether a remedy is safe and effective. Also, the quality and purity of the supplements you want to buy may be unknown. Read more about the best supplements for menopause.

Lifestyle changes

If you are finding sleep difficult during menopause, it’s worth evaluating your lifestyle and seeing if improvements result in better sleep. Take a look at your nutrition, stress management, and exercise levels, as these can help improve your sleep and health, both now and in later life. 

Sleep and menopause FAQs

As you go through perimenopause and then menopause, your estrogen and progesterone levels change. 

A decline in estrogen causes vasomotor symptoms, such as hot flashes and night sweats which can disrupt sleep. Reduced levels of the sleep-inducing hormone progesterone may cause sleep apnea and snoring.

Also, as you age, you naturally produce less melatonin, a sleep-inducing hormone, which means sleep can become lighter and more easily disrupted.

Melatonin helps regulate your body clock. Normally, you have low melatonin during the day when it is light and high melatonin at night when it is dark.

Changing hormone levels can cause the following symptoms, which can disrupt sleep:

 Sleep issues can also be caused by changes in medication and supplements, an unhealthy diet, eating late, alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, and stress.

Poor sleep can increase your risks of:

  • Mood disorders
  • Cognitive function, such as loss of focus and forgetfulness, and dementia
  • Headaches
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Risk of accidents and injuries

You can be at greater risk of the following if you cannot sleep well:

  • High blood pressure and heart disease
  • Gastrointestinal issues
  • Osteoporosis
  • If changing your sleeping habits doesn’t work
  • Your symptoms are getting worse, or not improving
  • Your ability to function during the day or at work is significantly and frequently affected
Nothing can describe the panic of knowing you have to be up in a couple of hours and you’ve lain awake all night”



Different types of HT – which is right for you? Read more

HT risks and benefits. Read more

10 steps for a good night’s sleep during menopause. Read more

Menopause care to help you feel better

  • Learn your menopause stage
  • Virtual visits with board-certified clinicians experienced in women’s health
  • Prescriptions for FDA-regulated hormone therapy
  • Holistic lifestyle guidance with the Stella app